Husband material: 6 things women look for in the men they want to marry


Marriage is a serious commitment intended to last a lifetime. If you are dating with marriage in mind, it is important to look for qualities that would make someone a good life partner.

Choosing a good partner can have a major impact on your well-being. You want to look for certain characteristics that will benefit your relationship in the long term.

Every woman desires a spouse who can make them feel special and prioritise them at the right time.

Hence we have listed a few things women tend to look for in a husband.


Women want a husband who has ambitions and dreams that he wants to fulfil. It is indeed very attractive to see a man working hard to achieve his dreams and ambitions by working hard with sheer determination and concentration.


A man who can socialise among people effortlessly is indeed very attractive. Women would love to be with a man who can exert confidence and socialise easily with their friends and family. Women would love it if their husbands can gel easily with their friends as well.

Intellectual stimulation

A man who can offer intellectual stimulation and drive conversations easily is what most women hope to find in their husbands. Women would prefer to marry a man who can have good conversation skills.

Future plannings

One of the top traits a woman wants in a man they want to marry is the ability to think for the future. A man who expresses his desire to build a home and also think about having children is indeed a very attractive quality.


A man who can handle situations with ease and maturity is whom women prefer to be their husband. Nobody wants to deal with an immature person who can’t make wise decisions or is stuck due to their inability to understand situations.


Lastly, a man who can freely express their emotions is a very desirable trait that women look for in a husband. Freely expressing one’s emotions leaves no room for misinterpretation.


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